No other business needs a convenient and efficient financial management tool quite like e-commerce. Inventory control, profitability analysis of products, evaluation of assortment changes… You should have all this at your fingertips, with our support by your side.
That’s why we start by understanding your CRM system, ensuring that invoicing, product entry, and inventory tracking are as streamlined as possible. After all, you don’t want to issue 5,000 invoices manually or spend two hours each day recording how many units of each product sold at what price, do you?
(We have seen such cases)
Another key benefit of a well-chosen system is our constant access. This way, we won’t bother you with frequent requests for invoices, goods-issued notes (WZ), or goods-received notes (PZ). We stay up-to-date on everything, and before you know it, your financial reporting is complete.
Here are a few examples of successful solutions in e-commerce.
How do we help our clients?
Implementation of an inventory management system
In 2019, a company importing goods to Poland approached us. The company had been managing its accounting in-house, and their main issue was not knowing the actual value of their inventory.
It turned out that in the early stages of their operations, they were buying multiple batches of the same goods from EU countries. The owner was keeping track of everything in Excel to determine the inventory value. Initially, this was done regularly every month. However, as the business grew rapidly, the documentation started being prepared quarterly, and then even less frequently. Hiring an assistant didn’t help much, as their full-time position quickly became insufficient to manage the documentation. Along the way, the company began importing goods from outside the EU, adding customs duties and excise taxes to the mix.
As soon as we took over their accounting, we began implementing one of the available inventory management systems on the market. With just a few adjustments and additional features, the system met the company’s needs while allowing us to ensure accurate accounting. However, the impact of this change was much greater. The client quickly realized that some of the products being sold were unprofitable, while others required a revision of their pricing strategy. The change that was meant to streamline accounting had a real, positive effect on the company’s performance!
Otrzymaj wycenę
Każda firma jest inna i potrzebuje innego zakresu naszych usług. Dlatego prosimy Cię o poświęceniu kilku chwil i uzupełnienie poniższego formularza tak abyśmy mogli lepiej Cię poznać.
Obsługujemy klientów z różnych branży
Nasze usługi świadczymy dla szerokiego spektrum klientów: firm produkcyjnych, handlowych czy usługowych. Nasze bogate doświadczenie zaowocowało zbiorem dedykowanych i sprawdzonych rozwiązań księgowych dla różnych branż: