Liquidations and Transformations

In running a business, the only thing you can be certain of is change. Partners’ goals shift, customer preferences evolve, and the political and business landscape transforms. All these factors bring about formal changes that are often so burdensome that entrepreneurs delay them for months.

For us, this is everyday work! With comprehensive support from EDF TAX, you don’t need to postpone dissolving a company, spend another year deliberating a transformation, or stay stuck in an unprofitable lease just out of fear of changing the address. With us, you’ll navigate all these changes as quickly and conveniently as possible—often, in many cases, 100% remotely.

Services offered

What do we offer?

Ending a business is a natural phase for many entrepreneurs. Differing visions among partners, more attractive alternatives, or an unsuccessful business idea often lead to the closure of many ventures. Unfortunately, from a formal standpoint, the process of company liquidation is complex and can discourage the further pursuit of business.

By entrusting us with your company’s liquidation, you can avoid this time-consuming and burdensome task, confident that we will handle all the necessary formalities.

Are you operating a sole proprietorship but want to limit risk by forming a company without losing your existing tax ID (NIP)? Or maybe your limited partnership is no longer as profitable, and you want to transform it into a limited liability company?

Transforming your business can be advantageous for several reasons: streamlining succession and inheritance, optimizing taxes, attracting investors, or preparing for a stock market listing. (See also: Why transform a company?) With our support, you can smoothly navigate through all permitted types of transformations:

  • From a sole proprietorship to a capital or partnership company
  • From a partnership to a capital company
  • From a capital company to a partnership

An entry in the KRS (National Court Register) is both a fundamental obligation for companies, associations, and foundations and a kind of business card for these entities. Whether you need to make changes to your company or simply want to improve it, we are here to assist.

At EDF TAX, we offer support for a range of updates, including:

  • Changing the company name
  • Changing the registered office and address
  • Changing shareholders
  • Changing the management board composition
  • Modifying business activities (and PKD codes)
  • Altering representation rules
Why us?

Taxes, numbers, tables… It is not only our job but also a passion.

Here are five reasons why you should trust us!


More than 250 clients from 30+ branches of business

Swift communication

At least two accounting supervisors familiar with your company


All services provided online, with 24/7 data access


We can work on your system or provide free access to our platform

No hidden costs

The financial statement included in accounting services

Why us?

For whom?

7 years of experience and over 250 clients from 30 industries have taught us that every client needs tailored solutions that fit like a coffee cup – perfectly and without stains!

As a result, we’ve implemented solutions such as an online document flow system for an e-commerce store, a custom timesheet for a software house, and a profitability calculator for property flips. Scroll down to see what else we do for clients from selected sectors. You might find something for yourself!

If not – new challenges don’t scare us! Let us know what you do, and together we’ll develop a collaboration model.

years of experience
different industries


Real Estate

IT Services

Construction and renovation services

Transport Services

Education and Training

Marketing and PR

Other industries

Pozostałe usługi

Usługi księgowe

Świadczymy usługi księgowe dla każdej formy prawnej. Księgi handlowe, KPIR, ryczałt? Dla nas to żaden problem!

Obsługa kadrowa

Powierz nam formalności związane z naliczaniem wynagrodzeń, podatków i składek ZUS dla Twoich pracowników.

Zakładanie firm

Zleć nam rejestrację swojego biznesu! Zakładamy spółki, jednoosobowe działalności, fundacje i stowarzyszenia.

Rachunkowość zarządcza i CFO

Sporządzamy indywidualnie dopasowane raporty, zestawienia i analizy. Wykorzystaj nasze umiejętności i dowiedz się ile i na czym naprawdę zarabiasz!

Sekretariat korporacyjny

Uchwały wspólników, zarządu czy rady nadzorczej? A może projekty umów? Przygotujemy wewnętrzną dokumentację dopasowaną do Twoich indywidualnych potrzeb!

Likwidacje i przekształcenia

Chcesz zamknąć działalność albo zmienić jego formę prawną? Zleć to nam i oszczędź swój cenny czas!

Obsługa płatności

Zleć nam obsługę płatności i oszczędź nawet do 8 godzin miesięcznie dzięki integracji bezpośredniej lub wymianie pliku z przelewami.

Get a quote

Every company is different and needs a different range of our services. That is why we ask you to take a few moments and complete the form below so that we can get to know you better.